Database Solutions - Hints & Tips

Tip 12:
Finding References to Particular Fields or Data Items

One of the challenges with UNIFACE is in searching through multiple forms to find references to particular fields or data items.

If you just want to search the code in the forms (not the global procs), you can generate a proc listing for every form, using the command line options:

idf /frm /war /lis

/frm - to compile the forms

/war - to include the warnings

/lis - to generate the listings.

This will create a number of files with names having the format

If you are in a UNIX environment, you search these using the grep command, e.g.

grep ‘GP_RETRIEVE’ *.pro or in a VMS using the search command.

In a Windows 95 environment, you can use the Find

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Note that the advanced options allow you to specify a text string to search for:

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This will then produce a list of files containing the matching string:

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You can then double click on the icon to open the file. It is recommended that you always use WordPad to open files with the extension pro.

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