Database Solutions - Hints & Tips

Tip 21:
Snap in the Debugger

The Problem:

UNIFACE has a large number of functions and variables, such as $entname, $formname, $formmod etc.

It is possible to examine each of these in turn in the debugger. But wouldn’t it be nice if you could examine all of them at once?

The Solution:

An undocumented debugger command SNAP allows you to do this, it copies its result into the UNIFACE message frame.

tip_image_02.gif (4332 bytes)

The following shows the contents of the message frame.

; $applname = "IDF"
; $char = -101
; $workfilesize = 9
; $ioprint = 0
; $keyboard = "MSWINX"
; $variation = "PROJECTNAME"
; $language = "USA"
; $direction = 0
; $dberror = 0
; $error = "0000"
; $display = "MSWIN3"
; $wf1size = 0
; $wf2size = 9
; $oprsys = "H"
; $printing = 0
; $page = 0
; $lines = -1
; $totlines = -1
; $batch = 0
; $gui = "MSW"
; $gui_id = 1
; $putmess = "
; $applname = "IDF"
; $char <more>"
; $about = "tag=update=track=6.1.dtdate=May 13, 1997conf <more>"
; $formname = "COR902BL"
; $formmod = 1
; $rettype = 0
; $formdb = 0
; $prompt = ""
; $formdbmod = 0
; $formtitle = "ERROR INFORMATION"
; $entname = "DUMMY"
; $occmod = 1
; $occdel = 0
; $hits = 0
; $storetype = 1
; $dbocc = 0
; $curocc = 1
; $dbseg = -1
; $totdbocc = 0
; $totocc = 1
; $occcheck = 0
; $currhits = 0
; $occdepth = 9
; $empty = 0
; $framedepth = 11
; $foreign = 0
; $outer = ""
; $paintedocc = 1
; $fieldname = -1
; $fieldmod = -1
; $fieldprofile = -1
; $fieldcheck = -1
; $fieldendmod = -1
; $previous = -1
; $next = -1
; $relation = -1
; $valrep = -1
; $properties = -1
; $fieldvalrep = -1
; $fieldproperties = -1
; $fieldindb = -1
; $user = "ANDY"
; $password = "PASSWORD"
; $hide = 0
; $disable = 0
; $check = 0
; $curline = "I/O function: O, mode: 0, on file/table: UPERMIT"
; $curword = "I/O"


This is an undocumented feature of UNIFACE, it seems to work in UNIFACE Six and UNIFACE Seven (though not in 7.204, because of the new debugger).

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Refresh Frames