Database Solutions - Hints & Tips

Tip 32:

Using $editmode to assist with form level security

UNIFACE has commands that allow the user to start a particular component in a particular mode - e.g., "edit" for full edit mode, or "display" for display-only mode. One of the problems with these commands is that the mode is set, it cannot be changed until the form is exited and re-started. For example, it may be the case that a user has full access to certain database records, and read-only access to others. This functionality would not be easily available (without exiting and re-starting the form) using the commands listed above.

UNIFACE 7.2.04 offers an additional function to assist with edit modes - $editmode. The synopsis for this command is

$editmode {= edit_type}

where edit_type =

0 - Set the form to "Edit" mode, allowing values to be altered and stored in the database.

1 - Set the form to "Query" mode, allowing values to be altered but not stored.

2 - Set the form to "Display" mode, preventing the user from making any alterations or storing.

In the example listed above, if a record was retrieved from the database for which the user had full access rights, the command "$editmode = 0" would allow the user to amend and store the record. If a record was retrieved for which the user had read-only access, the command "$editmode = 1" would prevent them from storing any changes. It would be possible to use "$editmode = 2", but this would have the effect of preventing the user from clearing the screen.

Using $editmode to assist with form re-use

Many applications use small tables to allow access to "Code" groupings - for example, colours could be stored in a simple database table following the structure



and so on.

Due to the simplistic nature of this table, it is likely that an "index" type form for this table would be similar in nature to a "maintenance" type form - see below for example.

Using $editmode, the same form could be used as both an index by certain users ($editmode = 1, preventing any "stores) and a maintenance form by others ($editmode = 0). It is worth noting that using "$editmode = 1" has a similar (but not identical) effect to making the form type "Limited"

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