Choosing the protocol (was: Re: [Cvsnt] Using CVS for small projects)

Jeff K. Waters jeffkwaters at
Wed Dec 5 23:36:14 GMT 2001


I decided to use CVS for my small projects at home, thanks for the
enlightenment from David Daniels, Dan Haynes and Douglas Seifert.

I got CVSNT working on my Windows 2000 Server and did some small tests
and all seemed working ok.

Right now, I use :pserver: protocol, bound to my localhost (
with a user defined for it. According to CVS manual, it is possible to
use just :local: for the protocol and a person in my situation, who does
not need remote access to the CVS server, is all done. On the other
hand, I had read in Devguy's text that :local: protocol may corrupt the
data. Is that info outdated or still current? And if it is safe to use
:local: protocol in this case, will I still need to keep the CVSNT
service installed? (It seems that I will not.)

Thanks for any help,


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