Choosing the protocol (was: Re: [Cvsnt] Using CVS for small projects)

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at
Thu Dec 6 01:55:30 GMT 2001

On Wed, 5 Dec 2001 23:36:14 +0000 (UTC), "Jeff K. Waters"
<jeffkwaters at> wrote:

>I decided to use CVS for my small projects at home, thanks for the
>enlightenment from David Daniels, Dan Haynes and Douglas Seifert.
>I got CVSNT working on my Windows 2000 Server and did some small tests
>and all seemed working ok.
>Right now, I use :pserver: protocol, bound to my localhost (
>with a user defined for it. According to CVS manual, it is possible to
>use just :local: for the protocol and a person in my situation, who does
>not need remote access to the CVS server, is all done. On the other
>hand, I had read in Devguy's text that :local: protocol may corrupt the
>data. Is that info outdated or still current? And if it is safe to use
>:local: protocol in this case, will I still need to keep the CVSNT
>service installed? (It seems that I will not.)
>Thanks for any help,

Local means just that: The local client (foe example WinCvs through
its cvs.exe) does all the work on the repository files which are
accessible directly in some local path.
You are right that in this case CVSNT is not used.
However I myself use sometimes a remote server and sometimes my own
PC:s CVSNT installation, so I keep the protocol at :ntserver: all the
time. The CVSNT service does not use up much resources as far as I can
see so there is no real harm in going through it even on a local

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