[cvsnt] Re: Automatic send commited files over to an FTP server....

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Mon Aug 26 17:22:35 BST 2002

Try the commitifo script instead. It is there for you to have some way
of 'approving' a checkin before it happens for real. So CVS will wait
for the result of the commitinfo script processing before it proceeds
to commit. So I miagine the temp files will be stationary during this

(I wrote a similar reply from work, but somehow it did not make it to
the list.)

On Mon, 26 Aug 2002 14:51:35 +0100, "Eduardo Marreiros"
<jem.novageo at taguspark.pt> wrote:

>Hi all,
>I've been using CVSNT for some time now, and it's been working fine for me.
>Now, I needed to automate the task to transfer files to an FTP server...
>After some digging, I created a small 'C' aplication to run as a "loginfo"
>filter.  This app, launched by the server, parses the log-message, and
>detects the 4 possible situations (T_TITLE, T_ADDED, T_REMOVED, T_MODIFIED)
>and proceeds to "mkdir", "delete" or "put" to the ftp server. It runs in the
>cvsnt server temp directory with all the files (apparently) lying in there.
>Easy to FTP them to the server....
>It seemed to work like a charme, until something happened:  looks like, as
>my 'filter' is running, some other process is cleaning up all the files in
>this temp-dir... Getting to transfer them to the server, is only a matter of
>luck... :-((
>So, my question is:  is there any way to hold the cleanup process until the
>loginfo filters are done?... or (better yet) any other idea on how to
>automatically transfer commited files to an ftp server ?   (I cannot SSH to
>the server and issue any "cvs update ...")
>Eduardo M.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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