[cvsnt] Re: Anyone knows how to install ViewCVS??

Martijn Laan mlaan at nospam4me.cs.vu.nl
Thu Dec 26 11:41:04 GMT 2002


On Thu, 26 Dec 2002 12:21:24 +0100, Bo Berglund
<bo.berglund at telia.com> wrote:
>This leads to IIS protesting because CGI is already registered to Perl
>(which I need for cvsweb) and apparently you cannot have different
>mappings in different folders...

Why do you need both cvsweb and viewcvs?

>The readme says:
>"Information and source code for Aspfool can be found in the aspfool/
>folder included in this distribution and there is a precompiled
>version of aspfool.dll in the binaries/ folder."
>Needless to say there are no such folders or files in neither the
>viewcvs nor the Python22 distributions...

Actually there is...

>There seems to be no way the diff command can give anything but a
>blank page with no changed lines...
>I *know* the files are changed but the diff does not show up.

Do you have all the RCS files installed and are they on you path?

Martijn Laan

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