[cvsnt] Re: How can I add user/password in CVSNT at Domain environments?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Fri Dec 27 08:52:26 GMT 2002

On Fri, 27 Dec 2002 11:22:06 +0900, "Woosung Choi"
<woosung_kr at hotmail.com> wrote:

>I want use ntserver protocol in this case.
>My working procedure like this.
>First, I copy previous repository from previous server to new server.
>In CVS control panel, add repository in that copied location.
>In command line I typed,
>set cvsroot=:ntserver:<mysvr>:/alpha
>cvs passwd -a -r name1 -D domain1 namecvs1

You don't use any passwd file with ntserver!
And you don't use cvs login either. If you have a CVSROOT/passwd file
coming from the old server, then delete it. It contains bogus
information for the new server.

Just set your client to use :ntserver: and then do your cvs commands.
This protocol uses the login data from the user login to the

You are probably better off using the sspi protocol, because the
ntserver protocol will be phased out. SSPI works over TCP/IP and so
can be better habdled in wide networks. Ntserver works with named
pipes and these are never used on Internet for example.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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