[Cvsnt] Merging patches from main trunk into a branch

Jan Hackel jhackel at rz.uni-potsdam.de
Thu Jun 20 22:14:39 BST 2002


    I need to merge patches present in the main trunk into a branch of a
project. However, it fails with a "No such file or dirctory". What I did

    - checking out the branch I wished to update
    - executing (for testing on a single file only)
        ] cvs -n up -j ade-v0_6 -j HEAD DefaultUID.java
        results in
        ] RCS file: [path here]/DefaultUID.java,v
        ] retrieving revision 1.3
        ] retrieving revision 1.5
        ] Merging differences between 1.3 and 1.5 into DefaultUID.java
        ] cvs server: DefaultUID.java: No such file or directory

Same result for cvs -n up -j HEAD DefaultUID.java

I use WinCVS as a client and the latest cvsnt (and older version of cvsnt
gave an "end of file received from server" or something like that as

Can anybody help?

Jan Hackel

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