[Cvsnt] XP Pro setup - "no such user"

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Sat Jun 29 23:10:46 BST 2002

On Sat, 29 Jun 2002 18:49:45 +0000 (UTC), daniel at anyways.com (Daniel C
Goodwin) wrote:

>I'm trying to set up cvsnt on an XP Pro system, but I can't
>get past the passwd command. Here's what I'm doing, having
>followed the directions in "CVS Installation Tips" up to
>this point:
>  C:\>set cvsroot=:ntserver:xpbox:/test
>  C:\>cvs passwd -a dan
>  Adding user dan at xpbox
>  New password: *******
>  Verify password: *******
>  cvs server: *WARNING* CVS user 'dan' will not be able to log in until
>they are aliased to a valid system user.
>  C:\>cvs passwd -a -r dan dan
>  Adding user dan at xpbox
>  New password: *******
>  Verify password: *******
>  cvs [server aborted]: User 'dan' is not a real user on the system.
>  C:\>set cvsroot=:pserver:dan at xpbox:/test
>  C:\>cvs login
>  Logging in to :pserver:dan at xpbox:2401/test
>  CVS password: *******
>  Fatal error, aborting. cvs [login aborted]: dan: no such user
>User 'dan' (that's me) is indeed a real user on this system,
>with administrative privileges. Thanks for your help.

I just did a test on my own XP-Pro box:

C:\test\XPtest>set cvsroot=:ntserver:altair:/bosse
C:\test\XPtest>cvs passwd -r bosse -a xpuser
Adding user xpuser at altair
New password: *******
Verify password: *******

After this the CVSROOT/passwd file looks like this:

Then I switched to pserver for the login:

C:\test\XPtest>set cvsroot=:pserver:xpuser at altair:/bosse

C:\test\XPtest>cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:xpuser at altair:2401/bosse
CVS password: *******

C:\test\XPtest>cvs ls
Listing modules on server



As you can see all is working as described on my page.
What I have not tested with this is the domain stuff, my PC is at home
and there is no domain here.
My CVSROOT/config file has no active lines in it, everything is per
default CVSNT behaviour.

If your machine is attached to a domain then you should probably set
the config switch to use local users or specify the domain user on the
cvs passwd command. Right now I don't remember the correct specifier
for this, but assuming it is the / character (please check this) then
maybe this will work:

cvs passwd -r yourdomain/dan -a cvsuser

or simply

cvs passwdr -a yourdomain/dan

I'll go offline for a week now, until then...

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)
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