[cvsnt] Re: performance

Ingerun Syrén Sjösvärd ingerun at syrensoftware.se
Fri Nov 1 14:26:22 GMT 2002

Is your recommended build version(>57g) only                          
important for the cvs nt server or is also important                  
to upgrade clients, eg. Tortoise or WinCVS                            
to get the speed enhancement?                                         
> On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 17:48:01 -0800, "Ilya Haykinson"                
> <ilya at skematix.com> wrote:                                          
> >we recently transitioned from a Linux-based CVS server to CVSNT.   
> >                                                                   
> >The Linux box was a slow Pentium II with almost no RAM, and the    
Windows box                                                           
> >is a good P-III with a much faster hard drive and much more RAM.   
Both are on                                                           
> >the same network connection. Yet, with CVSNT we're getting much    
much worse                                                            
> >performance doing checkouts, commits etc.                          
> >                                                                   
> >We're using :sspi: more instead of :pserver: that we used with     
Linux -- but                                                          
> >that should be just authentication...                              
> >                                                                   
> >Are there known issues with CVSNT that would make it significantly 
> >than cvs on Linux on an inferior machine?                          
> >                                                                   
> Unix is faster at running cvs, because of the way it does things.   
> a same spec machine I'd expect the Linux machine to be about 10-20% 
> faster (the cvsnt.org cvs server feels faster than the same         
> under NT, even though they're the same code & data).                
> However a well specced NT machine *should* be faster than a slow    
> machine, by quite a large margin.                                   
> For optimal speed your repository must be on the same machine as the
> server, and there should be good communication between the PDC and  
> server machine (which speeds up initial authentication).            
> Make sure your reverse DNS is working.  If it isn't you'll get a    
> before anything happens.                                            
> Use a recent build (there were a couple of speedups around the 57g  
> time), and enable the LockServer, which is faster than the LockDir  
> options, and allows multiple simultaneous checkouts.                
> Tony                                                                
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