[cvsnt] Re: Mobile user, two repositories, possible?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Wed Oct 9 22:38:23 BST 2002

in a situation where you are the single user of a module on the server
you can actually do as follows:
1) Install CVSNT on the laptop (already done, I believe)
2) Copy the module folder in the repsoitory from the server to the
3) Move the module folder on the server from the repository root to
some location outside the CVS repository (for safe keeping)
4) Change the root of the checked out sandbox using the TCL macro
ChangeRoot(GUI) in WinCvs to point at your local server and
5) Work to your heart's delight while on the road and commit as you
used to. These changes will now land in your local CVSNT server.
6) When you get back home just copy the Module folder from your laptop
repository back to the server repository.
7) Then reverse the root change in 4 above to now point to the server.


This is of course only doable if you are the *single* user of this
module on the server. By moving it out from the repository you
guarantee that noone else will commit any changes while you are on the
road and so you only need copy back the module when you get home.


On Wed, 9 Oct 2002 22:26:43 +0200, "Javier Molina"
<jmolina@[nospam]escobarenergia.com> wrote:

>I have been using CVS for a few months now and
>I don't know how I could ever work without it. Now I
>have a laptop and would like a setup like the following:
>- Master repository on server (like it was just until now)
>- Repository on laptop, so I can work disconnected from
>the master for long periods of time but still keep small
>version changes
>If I only used the master, after a few weeks' work offline,
>all the changes would appear as a single commit, which is
>what I'm trying to avoid.
>Is it somehow possible to synchronize two repositories
>in this fasion? Nobody else is working on these files, so
>I don't have to worry about other users.
>I'm working under Windows, so Linux-specific utilities
>won't be of much use, I'm afraid, although I'd like to hear
>about any utility for which Lin + Win versions exist.
>Thank you in advance for any hints.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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