[cvsnt] Re: Mobile user, two repositories, possible?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Thu Oct 10 06:34:34 BST 2002

No, the procedure I outlined is really against CVS practices. You
cannot do this or anything like it using cvs commands. And there is no
way to synchronize two active CVS servers either.
You may 'automate' this outside of cvs if you have physical access to
the repository from your client (which I advice against normally):

1. Going away. Run this batch file:
xcopy \\server\share\mymodule c:\cvsrepo\ -e
ren \\server\share\mymodule mymodule.bak

2. Coming home. run this batch file:
xcopy c:\cvsrepo\mymodule \\server\share -e
del /F /S /Q \\server\share\mymodule.bak

Of course I assume \\server\share points to the root of your
Have not tested this, might need tuning.


On Thu, 10 Oct 2002 00:11:54 +0200, "Javier Molina"
<jmolina@[nospam]escobarenergia.com> wrote:

>Looks like that might be a solution, thank you for the explanation.
>Is there any more automated way, one that does not involve manually
>copying the directories back and forth ? I'm trying to automate
>as much as possible.
>"Bo Berglund" <bo.berglund at telia.com> escribió en el mensaje
>news:hv79quoh3f4fgrld4rmg0e5pcidncqle8p at 4ax.com...
>> OK,
>> in a situation where you are the single user of a module on the server
>> you can actually do as follows:
>> 1) Install CVSNT on the laptop (already done, I believe)
>> 2) Copy the module folder in the repsoitory from the server to the
>> laptop
>> 3) Move the module folder on the server from the repository root to
>> some location outside the CVS repository (for safe keeping)
>> 4) Change the root of the checked out sandbox using the TCL macro
>> ChangeRoot(GUI) in WinCvs to point at your local server and
>> repository.
>> 5) Work to your heart's delight while on the road and commit as you
>> used to. These changes will now land in your local CVSNT server.
>> 6) When you get back home just copy the Module folder from your laptop
>> repository back to the server repository.
>> 7) Then reverse the root change in 4 above to now point to the server.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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