[cvsnt] CVS Import Error

Kotowski, Leo B. LEO.B.KOTOWSKI at saic.com
Wed Apr 30 20:12:09 BST 2003

I tried to import a source file to the CVS repository from the command
prompt and got an error message.

I closely followed the steps for installing CVSNT and installed on a
Windows2000 server.  I tried to do the import from the command prompt on
that server.

Here's the command I used:  cvs import -m "Import test" test tagtest rlstest
(This based on Cederqvist and "Open Source Development with CVS")

The source file was located in a directory named "test".

The error message returned:
cvs import:  No CVSROOT specified!  Please use the -d option.
cvs [import aborted]: or set the CVSROOT environment variable.

I've tried many options and nothing has worked.  CVSNT says my valid
repository root is /TEST.

Would appreciate any help.  Thanks


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