[cvsnt] Re: How to update CVSNT remotely???

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Mon Dec 29 16:50:41 GMT 2003

On Mon, 29 Dec 2003 16:18:46 +0000 (UTC), "Oliver Giesen"
<ogware at gmx.net> wrote:
>Not only that. Given the appropriate permissions, you could have pretty
>much done all of this from a GUI as well (without having to install any
>additional tools - it's all there in the default Win2K install). You
>could remotely control services (and a whole lot else) of an NT-class
>computer using the Microsoft Management Console (Right-click "My
>Computer", select "Manage", right-click the root node, select "Connect
>to another computer").

Didn't know about that. I will test over VPN and check if it actually
is workable over a slow link. Most often those GUI tools need a lot of
data that slows down things...

>You could also edit a remote registry using regedt32.exe (Choose
>Registry|Select Computer). If you need to edit user keys, you could
>simply temporarily "import" their "hive" (i.e. their ntuser.dat from
>their profile directory) into your own registry and edit them there.

My experience is that using RegEdit or RegEdt32 to a remote computer
via a slow connection invariably drives me nuts. It is soooooo sloooow
and suddenly the connection drops also. :-(
Probably works fine in a 100 Mbps LAN environment.

But reg.exe was a new discovery for me and it did solve the problem of
modifying registry entries on a remote computer *from my own*, didn't
even have to create the remote command prompt.

>For everything that isn't possible via these two tools or VNC, there's
>always the PsTools commandline tool collection from
>http://www.sysinternals.com . E.g. PsExec allows you to run commands
>remotely. PsService allows full remote control over services.
>PsShutdown can be used to shutdown/restart a remote machine and so on...

The SysInternal tools are really a *must have* for admins. I use a few
of them myself.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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