[cvsnt] Latest updates

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Mon Dec 29 17:11:33 GMT 2003

cvsnt 2.0.17

* More binary diff work.  It now works on existing files (admin -kB)
and shouldn't render the file unusable any more :)  I'm not sure I'd
trust it with the only copy of that million pound contract just yet,
but feel free to test it on stuff that's replacable...

*  Delta compression -kz.  This sacrifices speed for disk space -
might be useful for some...  If your machine is beefy enough it might
be fast enough though.

* Only send -k options that the client understands.  cyclic CVS
clients will barf if they get sent -Bz, so they just get -kb instead
and the server copes with that.  If the option materially changes the
file but the client doesn't understand it (just -ku at the moment) a
friendly warning is printed.

* Write local time into entries.extra, just in case it's useful.
There's also ls -T and log -T options to display dates in local time
(IIRC they are the only commands that display dates but it's possible
there are others).  This bit isn't tested well, primarily because I'm
right in the middle of the GMT timezone...  It prints nice looking
values but I'm relying on people in other timezones to verify it
actually does the right thing at the moment.  With -T the log command
also filters dates on local time too.  The local timezone is always
relative to the server, not the client (shouldn't be an issue for
small setups).


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