[cvsnt] WinCVS configuration for using "cvsnt"

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Fri Feb 14 09:10:36 GMT 2003

> "Repository prefix checked and set to d:\jonas\cvs_repositories" and
> "\jonas" as the only repository root.

IOW the physical path of your repository on the server is in fact
d:\jonas\cvs_repositories\jonas, yes?

> Now I logged on as user (with all rights on "d:\test")

Now what about d:\test? You didn't mention that directory before. What role
does it play in your example? A typo at some point, maybe?
In order for your server to run properly, you'll need to grant the SYSTEM
user full control on the repository itself and the Temp folder, as specified
on the Advanced tab of the CVSNT control panel applet. Furthermore, all
users of the repository need sufficient rights on the repository itself,

> and tried to work with WinCVS
> Beta 11 (Build 1) (also on "RTBLN3159") with the following
configuration under
> "Admin -> Preferences...":
> "General"-Tab:
> "Authentication = ntserver"

Why not use :sspi:? :ntserver: is being phased out.

> "Path = d:\jonas\cvs_repositories"

You obviously missed the point of the repository prefix feature. If your
repository indeed is in d:\jonas\cvs_repositories\jonas and your prefix is
d:\jonas\cvs_repositories then you should simply enter /jonas here.

> ...now I tried to add the file "text.txt" with "Modify -> Add selection"
located in
> "d:\jonas\atest" and got the result:
> cvs add Text.txt (in directory D:\jonas\ATest)
> cvs [add aborted]: d:/jonas/cvs_repositories/test: no such repository

Apart from the obvious problem of repository-misidentification (which I hope
should be clear from my comments above), ...

- you can only use the Add command inside an existing sandbox. In order to
create a sandbox you have to checkout a module from the repository first. As
your repository has probably just been initialised there is no module in
there yet (apart from the administrative CVSROOT module). The easiest way to
create a new module is to use the Import command. WinCvs 1.3.12 will include
a macro of mine which implements yet another approach without the often
undesired side-effects of the Import command (i.e. the Vendor branch).

- even if you already were inside an existing sandbox, you always have to
add the folder first, before you could add the file itself.

- furthermore I really recommend not placing the repository and the sandbox
in the same physical directory hierarchy in order not to confuse or even
overlap the two.

Hope this helps.

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JID: ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ: 18777742

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