[cvsnt] cvs server: Script execution failed: Permission denied

Lawson.Reed Reed.Lawson at IGT.com
Wed Jul 16 19:06:16 BST 2003


I'm still in the testing phase of getting the CVSNT server up.
I just enabled my commitinfo script and it works fine
for me but not for others. The server is Windows 2003 Server
and CVSNT 2.0.5. I have admin privileges. I call the script from the 
commitinfo file like this:

DEFAULT perl d:/CVSAdmin/commitinfo.pl $COMMITID $USER

The error when anyone besides me tries to commit looks like this:

cvs commit -m "commit script test." clg.cfg (in directory D:\tools\clg\)
cvs server: Script execution failed: Permission denied
cvs server: Pre-commit check failed
cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first!

***** CVS exited normally with code 1 *****

The perl/bin directory and the script directory all have execute
permissions. We tried to open all those directories and script file 
for every permission. No help. The only thing that works is to add that
person to the admin group (which of course, IS will not allow).

The IS admin can not figure it out so I thought I'd put the 
question to you all. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Reed Lawson
IGT Firmware Engineering
(775) 448-0755

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