[cvsnt] Odd corruption problem

Carl Zmola carl at membersonlysoftware.com
Fri Jun 6 16:15:33 BST 2003

I've had  problems with locks being left in the repostiory and corruption 
of some of my files.  I have noticed that there have been warnings 
about using Anti Virus software on the server.  Would similar problems 
occur if the disk was being backed up? (tape backup over a network).  
What does the Anti Virus software do that causes problems? 

The major problem is that I have lost the history on some of my files 
(Invalid change text, where there are 3 consecutive intermediate 
versions that have said that they have deleted the whole file (the RCS 
entry says @d1 106) and of course if you have deleted the whole file 
in version 1.15, you can't delete everything again in version 1.14.  

In tracking down this issue, any abnormality has been brought to my 
attention, including clients that appear to hang.  If the client is killed, 
reissuing the command often works.

I may have found the root of the corruption problem in an older (file 
date 2001) version of cvs.exe that was installed by WinCVS on one of 
the clients.  I don't know why this would matter, other than seeing a 
bunch of emails on the list that point in this direction.

I am running an older version of cvsnt (build 57j)  and am in 
the process of updating our server and clients to the latest version, but 
I am a little concerned about a corrupt repository. 

I guess I am looking for a plausable reason the repository was 
corrupted, and a some measures I can take to prevent it from 
happening again.  

Carl Zmola
Carl at MembersOnlySoftware.com

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