[cvsnt] RE: CVS Server on Windows with SSH

Roger Taule roger.taule at gtd.es
Mon Jun 23 11:50:33 BST 2003

I succesfully installed cygwin as ssh server last month.
But there is a big problem if you use public keys for authentification.
Cvs commands are logged as SYSTEM account, so you cannot know who
make the last changes in the repository.

Best regards,


-----Mensaje original-----
De: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org]En nombre de
Keith D. Zimmerman
Enviado el: lunes, 23 de junio de 2003 12:34
Para: yigithan at cs.bilkent.edu.tr
CC: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Asunto: [cvsnt] RE: CVS Server on Windows with SSH

I've not found any documents that clearly explained it, but what you
need to do is install cygwin (www.cygwin.com) and setup the ssh server
(see here for a howto http://tech.erdelynet.com/cygwin-sshd.html).

Now, test the ssh installation by using putty or ssh to connect to the
computer from the computer on which you wish to use cvs.  If you can log
in, make sure you can run cvs (it needs to be in your path for this cvs
access via ssh to work).

The final step is to set CVS_EXT=ssh.exe or tortoiseplink.exe (this is
available with tortoisecvs www.tortoisecvs.org, and will display a
dialog for the prompts), and connect to  the server using "cvs
-d:ext:username at servername:/repositoryprefix/repositoryname"

List - can we put this on the wiki?  I would do it, but I really don't
know where exactly it should go...

keith d. zimmerman, mcsd 
eagle solutions

> -----Original Message-----
> From: yigithan at cs.bilkent.edu.tr [mailto:yigithan at cs.bilkent.edu.tr] 
> Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 6:49 AM
> To: Keith D. Zimmerman
> Subject: CVS Server on Windows with SSH
> Hi Keith,
> I have been looking for installing CVSNT on Windows and 
> enabling SSH, but it has become a nightmare for me. I found 
> some documents on the net, but they don't give a good 
> guideline. I have been looking through the mailing list 
> document (about 20 MBs), but I am still unable to find the 
> relevant information. Could you please give me some 
> information on how to do this. Or some links to documents so 
> that I can read & apply.
> Thank you for your time.
> Sincerely,
> Yigithan Dedeoglu
> Bilkent University
> Department of Computer Engineering
> MS Student
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