[cvsnt] RE: CVS Server on Windows with SSH

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Mon Jun 23 11:54:22 BST 2003

On Mon, 23 Jun 2003 06:34:18 -0400, "Keith D. Zimmerman"
<keith at eagle-solutions.com> wrote:

>The final step is to set CVS_EXT=3Dssh.exe or tortoiseplink.exe (this is
>available with tortoisecvs www.tortoisecvs.org, and will display a
>dialog for the prompts), and connect to  the server using "cvs
>-d:ext:username at servername:/repositoryprefix/repositoryname"
It's simpler with the later cvsnt versions to use the builtin :ssh: protocol
(which is actually just an inbuilt copy of plink)... the :ext: stuff is a bit
error prone (since you have to use a correct ssh.exe, etc. otherwise it won't


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