[cvsnt] Cannot add file on non-branch tag...

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Mon Jun 23 16:28:32 BST 2003

> Now I've made an Update by the tag called user_030620
> using the option 'remove sticky...'.

I'm surprised CVS didn't already choke on that one. The -A (aka "remove
sticky") and -r (aka "retrieve rev./tag/branch") options are mutually

> After adding new binaries
> to the working directory, I'm unable to add binaries and get
> the message: cannot add file on non-branch tag user_030620.

As the message says: you cannot add a file on a non-branch tag. Look here
for a FAQ entry on a related issue (the same actually but the error message
is slightly different): http://cvsgui.sf.net/newfaq.htm#sticky_nocommit .

Hope this helps.

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me in private unless they are specifically about a macro/product of mine
that is NOT already bundled with WinCvs.
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JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:  18777742

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