[cvsnt] strange probleem

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Thu Jun 26 19:03:31 BST 2003

On Thu, 26 Jun 2003 07:21:12 -0700, Jonas Geiregat <eniac at sdf-eu.org>

>First I do
>set cvsroot=:sspi:eniacBOX:/test
>then I add a new user
>cvs passwd -a -r "eniac" "testuser"
>He asks me to give in a passwd so I do that
>then I reset my cvsroot to :sspi:testuser at eniacBOX:/test
>then I do cvs login
>and I get:
>Loggin in to :sspi:testuser at eniacBOX:2401:/test
>CVS password: ********
>cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from eniacBOX: cvs 
>[server aborted]: Authentication failed
>but I can login as user eniac ....
>What could it be ?

You are mixing up :pserver: and :sspi:
Setting passwords etc with the cvs passwd command *only* affects the
pserver protocol connections. For sspi the NT user database is always

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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