[cvsnt] Impersonation and create token again...

Kai Cohrt kuewchen at gmx.de.N_O_S_P_A_M
Sun Jun 29 22:24:55 BST 2003


I am having trouble to logon using the PServer protocol and being part 
of a domain.

Client: Windows XP Prof. - part of the domain
CVS Server: Win 2000 - part of the domain
PDC: Win 2000

Error mesage:
  Fatal error, aborting.
cvs [login aborted]: cvs_domain: Impersonation failed - configuration 
error.  Contact your System Administrator.

I made sure that the SYSTEM account is running the CVSNT service and has 
the right to 'Create a token object'. I had to change the setting on the 
  cvs server and the PDC to get it effective on the cvs_server.

My cvsroot:
set cvsroot=:pserver:pserveruser at cvs_server:/test

The relevant line from the passwd file in repository /test:
cvs_domain is a user defined for the domain.

Setting of config file:

I also made sure the setting in CVSNT is to use domain users to 
authenticate pserver logons.

What am I missing to configure?

thanks for any help,


p.S.: SSPI works fine

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