[cvsnt] Re: Protocol error; misformed Notify request

Lionello Lunesu lionello.lunesu at crystalinter.remove.com
Thu Aug 5 08:28:08 BST 2004

Hi again,

> >While I was writing this post I had the idea of doing a clean checkout,
> >it worked. then I tried to update each module by hand to eventually find
> >broken file. I found it, deleted it, and everything's ok now.
> >
> It's probably a filename or directory with a + in it...  Notify will
> fall over if it sees that kind of thing.  I'm currently fixing that
> for a future version of CVSNT.

Actually, I forgot to mention that the file I've deleted (the file that
caused the problem) happened to be a regularly named file, in cvs, but was
changed locally.

I deleted that file, locally, did an update, it reappeared without problems.
I guess something in the CVS\ subdir got corrupted when I cancelled that


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