[cvsnt] SSPI Access denied problems [was: Access denied lookingup C:/Data/cvsrepo]

Warren, Erik Erik.Warren at delta.com
Wed Aug 18 15:25:06 BST 2004

Have you looked at the security log in the event viewer on the server?  This might give you more info on why access was denied.


Erik W. Warren
Sr. Engineer - Flt. Ops. Engineering
Delta Air Lines
Dept. 088
P.O. Box 20706
Atlanta, GA 30320-6001
Ph (404) 715-7229
fax (404) 715-7202
erik.warren at delta.com

-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org]On Behalf
Of Scott Whitney
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:48 AM
To: Mike Wake
Cc: CVS-NT Mailing list (E-mail)
Subject: RE: [cvsnt] SSPI Access denied problems [was: Access denied
lookingup C:/Data/cvsrepo]

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your help.  Yes, the server name is "files", and yes, the 
temporary directory is set to be C:/Data/cvstemp within the CVSNT 

I tried "cvs -d :sspi:files/cvsrepo login, and it worked fine:

C:\Program Files\cvsnt>cvs -d :sspi:files:/cvsrepo login
Logging in to :sspi:ScottWhitney at files:2401:/cvsrepo
CVS password: *********

However, this still fails:

C:\Program Files\cvsnt>cvs -d :sspi:files:/cvsrepo ls
cvs server: Access denied looking up C:/Data/cvsrepo - results may not 
be correct

I also tried it again with my username, and got the same response:

C:\Program Files\cvsnt>cvs -d :sspi:ScottWhitney at files:/cvsrepo ls
cvs server: Access denied looking up C:/Data/cvsrepo - results may not 
be correct

I can also logout:

C:\Program Files\cvsnt>cvs -d :sspi:files:/cvsrepo logout
Logging out of :sspi:ScottWhitney at files:2401:/cvsrepo

So, the port number seems to be correct, I'm allowed to login and 
logout, but I can't do anything with the repository.  Do you have any 
other suggestions on how I can debug this?  

I've read a few questions where turning on tracing was suggested with 
-t -t -t.  I tried that and got the following:

C:\Program Files\cvsnt>cvs -t -t -t -d :sspi:files:/cvsrepo ls
  -> Tracelevel set to 3.  PID is 3884
  -> Session ID is f2c41235dbd3ad9
  -> main loop with CVSROOT=:sspi:files:/cvsrepo
  -> Requesting server cvsignore
cvs server: Access denied looking up C:/Data/cvsrepo - results may not 
be correct

Not too much helpful info there...  I've also read a suggestion about 
turning on "auditing" on the server to see what is happening, but I'm 
not really a server administrator, so I'd need some help for our IT 
guys for this.

Many thanks for your time and good suggestions!


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Wake [mailto:mike.wake at thales-tts.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:17 AM
To: Scott Whitney
Cc: CVS-NT Mailing list (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [cvsnt] SSPI Access denied problems [was: Access denied
looking up C:/Data/cvsrepo]

Hi Scott

Some things to try.
I assume the name of your server is "files"? Is this correct?

If so
Have you tried getting the user to login using their domain password.
cvs -d :sspi:files:/cvsrepo login
cvs -d :sspi:username at files:/cvsrepo login

and then try
cvs -d :sspi:files:/cvsrepo login
cvs -d :sspi:username at files:/cvsrepo ls

Is the temporary directory set to be C:/Data/cvstemp within the CVSNT 


Scott Whitney wrote:

> Hi CVSNT users and gurus,
> I haven't received any advice on this problem, and I'm really stuck.  I'm reposting it with a little clarification, because I think this is some type of basic SSPI problem or a domain permissions problem.
> I have CVSNT 2.0.51a installed on our Windows 2000 Server.  I read all the FAQs I could find and sorted through many back postings.  I have created a repository on C:\Data\cvsrepo, and the CVSNT applet was able to initialize it.  I also created a temporary directory in C:\Data\cvstemp.  The members of my software group have been given Full rights to both of these directories.  The repository name as set in the CVSNT applet is /cvsrepo.  Both the server and lockdir services are running.
> The remainder of my initial post follows, but basically if I'm logged in as the domain administrator and type "cvs -d :sspi:files:/cvsrepo ls", the command works correctly.
> However, if I try to log in as one of the users with Full access and issue the same command, "cvs -d :sspi:files:/cvsrepo ls", I always get an error message:
> cvs server: Access denied looking up C:/Data/cvsrepo - results may not be correct
> Typing "cvs info" shows me that the :sspi: protocol is available.  I have tried these same commands with CVSNT clients 2.0.41a (from the WinCVS 1.3 distribution), and 2.0.51a, and the results are the same.
> I'm assuming that this is some kind of permissions problem.  Can anyone provide some advice?  We're really desperate to get this working, and I'd hate to have to switch to some other VCS over what should be such a simple problem.
> Best regards, and thanks!
> --Scott
> <Original posting>
> I have CVSNT version 2.0.41a running on a client (from WinCVS 1.3), and the server has been set up with version 2.0.51a.  The server appears to be running correctly, and I gave the users in my software group full control for the C:\Data\cvstemp directory and C:\Data\cvsrepo directories on my server.  The repository name is just /cvsrepo.
> On the server while logged in as an administrator, this works fine:
> cvs -d :sspi:files:/cvsrepo ls
> On my client, logged in via our domain server, I keep getting the error:
> C:\Program Files\GNU\WinCvs 1.3\CVSNT>cvs -d :sspi:files:/cvsrepo ls
> cvs server: Access denied looking up C:/Data/cvsrepo - results may not be correct
> Also on my client, the command "cvs info" returns the following:
> C:\Program Files\GNU\WinCvs 1.3\CVSNT>cvs info
> Available protocols:
> local               (internal)
> ext                 ext 2.0.41a
> pserver             pserver 2.0.41a
> server              server 2.0.41a
> sserver             sserver 2.0.41a
> ssh                 ssh 2.0.41a
> sspi                sspi 2.0.41a
> So, it looks like the sspi protocol should be available.
> Does anyone know why we keep getting the error "cvs server: Access denied looking up C:/Data/cvsrepo - results may not be correct"
> --Scott
> Scott D. Whitney  ScottWhitney_at_DesignMentor.com
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