[cvsnt] Question about CVSNT and Eclipse Integration

Ankur Singhal ASinghal at calcas.com
Wed Feb 18 17:03:38 GMT 2004

I was trying to figure out if CVSNT is the right choice for our department. Could you please answer few questions based on the latest information. I am working on a Windows 2000 platform. 
1. Eclipse with CVSNT can be beneficial to us. Has this matured ? And if so can you point me to a document that talks about CVSNT configuration and Eclipse configuration to work with CVSNT. Working with WinCVS or similar non-integrated products, is not we are considering at this point of time.
2. Is there a secure protocol support for Eclipse working with CVSNT ? If so what is it ? 

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot.

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