[cvsnt] Problems with pserver

Tomas Kaudern (Consignit AB) Tomas.Kaudern at consignit.se
Mon Feb 23 19:43:47 GMT 2004

I'm trying to run cvsnt (2.0.14) with pserver on win xp pro. 
I've installed cvsnt according to InstallationTips - The CVSNT Wiki.htm
  * I,m using a repository prefix
  * Impersonation enabled
  * Use local users instead of domain users
  * SystemAuth=no 
Checking in/out locally (without using pserver) works fine.
Creating a user with 
  set cvsroot=:pserver:<computername>:/TEST
  cvs passwd -r <real account name> -a <new username>
also works fine, creating a passwd file in CVSROOT
However, when i try to access the service using pserver I get the following error:
  C:\>echo %cvsroot%
  :pserver:tkaudern at localhost:/test
  C:\>cvs login
  Logging in to :pserver:tkaudern at localhost:2401:/test
  CVS password: ********
  cvs [login aborted]: Error reading from server localhost: -1: No such file or directory
I have also tried to run the cvsnt service as a administrator but gets the same error.
And also tried to install/run it on another computer but gets the same error again.
Finally I ran the service in debug mode with the following result:
  C:\>cvsservice -test
  CVS 2.0.14 (Dec 10 2003) starting in test mode.
  TEMP/TMP currently set to C:\cvs\temp
  Initialising socket...ok
  Impersonation is enabled
  Starting auth server on port 2401/tcp...
  Socket Failed (Handle=ffffffff Family=23,Socktype=1,Protocol=6): An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used.  (not fatal)
  Starting named pipe server...
  Registering service SPN... failed (Error 1332)
  CVS initialised successfully
And when I try to connect from a client, the following is printed
  0176a06d: Process 00000760 started
  0176a275: Process 00000760 terminated
Any ideas?

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