[cvsnt] Re: cvsnt does not encrypt

Andreas Herdt andreas.herdt at alaska-research.com
Sat Jan 17 09:30:01 GMT 2004

Bo Berglund wrote:

>>I have read a lot of documentation the last days, I can not remember
>>that I have read "sandbox" anywhere. Seems like I have missed something.
> Sandbox = Checked out copy of the module folder/files (cvs lingo)
> If you issue any cvs command within a sandbox then it will use the
> exact same protocol and server/repository settings as was used when
> the files were checked out.
> The only ways out are:
> 1. Edit all of the Root files in the hidden folders named CVS that
> exist in all sandbox folders and change to the protocol you want to
> use. This can be done with a macro (Change CVSROOT) if you use WinCvs.
> 2. Check out a fresh copy of the files in some other folder and make
> sure to use the correct protocol while checking out. In this case
> delete the original sandbox folder where you used the simpler
> protocol.
> /Bo
> (Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)


I am quite shure that I have used the right protocol for checking out.
I have allways started from the beginning with something like:

   cvs -x -d:pssi:user at server.com:/CVSRepsitory login
   cvs -x -d:pssi:user at server.com:/CVSRepsitory checkout sources

I had allready looked to CVS/Root and I could find the same protocol that
I have used when checking out......

Furthermore, I have noticed that encryption does not happen during the
initial checkout, insofar there was no "sandbox" available yet.....


Andreas Herdt

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