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Hiroshi Kuribara jr3hkrbr at yahoo.co.jp
Fri Jan 23 14:58:58 GMT 2004

Tony wrote,

> >Then,
> >[ Microsoft VIsual C++ Runtime Library 
> >  Bfffer overrun detected!
> >  Program: C:\Program Files\cvsnt\cvs.exe ] dialog appears.
> >
> I think this is something unique to japanese windows.  If you have
> VS.NET then try to build a debug version and see what it's doing.

Recently, I realized that japanese windows are different from latins.
At least WinCVS behaves different way.

I'll try some if I can.
But my little old pc has VC5 and VC6 already.
Another VC7?
I have been hesitated it long time.


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