[cvsnt] Sserver authentification problem

Cedric GROSS Cedric.Gross at cnv.fr
Thu Jun 17 09:56:20 BST 2004


I browse archive and I know this problem was already discuss here but I
don't find the correct answer :

When I to log with sserver (PSERVER is correct) I obtain :

#cvs -t -d :sserver:admin at localhost:/usr/local/cvs login

  -> Tracelevel set to 1.  PID is 76493
  -> Session ID is 12acd40d15987cf4f
  -> Loading protocol /usr/local/lib/cvsnt/sserver_protocol
  -> main loop with CVSROOT=:sserver:admin at localhost:/usr/local/cvs
Logging in to :sserver:admin at localhost:2401:/usr/local/cvs
CVS password:
  -> Config file name /root/.cvs/cvspass
  -> Config file name /root/.cvs/sserver
  -> Config file name /root/.cvs/cvspass
cvs login: SSL conneciton failed: error:140770FC:SSL
routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol
cvs [login aborted]: Connection to server failed

My key and my certificat are defined in PServer and stored in

There are crypted with a passphrase, is it the problem ? (It's recommend in
installation document for linux) or it's because client can't obtain
certificat ?

I'm running cvsnt 2.0.34 on FreeBSD 5.2.1.

PS : I had to correct the config.h to define correct protocol directory.

Thanks for help.

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