[cvsnt] Can I convert entire VSS database to CVS Repositoy ?

Peter Crowther Peter.Crowther at melandra.com
Wed Jun 23 11:19:53 BST 2004

> From: Trinh_Nguyen Duy [mailto:trinhnd at Cybersoft-VN.com] 
> Let me show you our SS' structure in our company:
> - $/
>   file1.txt
>   file2.txt
>      file3.txt
>      file4.txt
>         MANAGEMENT
> 	      file5.txt
> 	      file6.txt
>      file7.txt
> If we only convert project CONTROL and UNCONTROL, we will 
> lose file1.txt and file2.txt.
> Because of this problem, I want to convert entire VSS Database. 
> So, what had I better do now? I have tried many ways but it 
> is still there.

Well, there's a method that might work.  Offered for general comment -
I've not tried it myself.  If you try this, I am not responsible for
loss, damage, yada yada...

- Copy the VSS database (you're about to modify it).  Everything below
should be done on the *copy*.

- Create a new project called ROOT (or anything else you like)

- Use VSS to move file1.txt and file2.txt into project ROOT (this is why
you're using a copy!)

- Convert the whole database.  Your files will be imported into CVS,
just in the wrong place.

- Using Windows Explorer on the CVS repository server, move the files
from ROOT to the root of the CVS repository, then delete the ROOT
folder.  I believe this is a safe operation, but this is where I'd like
input from others with more experience of moving files around on the

- Test.

This should preserve the revision history of the files in the root.
Like I say, I've not tried this, and it may just be wrong; I'm sure it
will provoke some comment from others, and I suggest you don't try it
until it's been discussed a bit on the list.  Bo?  Glen?  Tony?  Any

		- Peter

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