[cvsnt] Re: adding modules to cvs repository

Raheel softwarengineeer at gawab.com
Wed Jun 23 12:57:58 BST 2004

Thanks, I did use "cvs import" command but it didn't work correctly. Here is what I did after reading your reply:

1. I create a new folder inside my working copy and named it "fums". I also create 3 folders nested inside fums and put a small text file in one of the nested folder.

2. Then, I entered the command:  
                               cvs import -m "new" fums v_tag r_tag

3. To check the effects, I entered the command:
                               cvs ls -R -l  fums\

It shows the folder fums and only lists that nested folder that has the text file in it. Rest of the 2 folders were not there (i suppose). Why does it happen Or may be I did something wrong, do help me ?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Oliver Giesen" <ogware at gmx.net>
Newsgroups: support.cvsnt
To: <cvsnt at cvsnt.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 3:48 PM
Subject: [cvsnt] Re: adding modules to cvs repository

> Raheel wrote:
> > D:\> cvs add fums
> > 
> > it only adds the folder fums, while I have all the folders setup
> > inside "fums" (with proper hierarchy according to my application). So
> > my question is that I have to add all other folders manually and if
> > there is no way to add / import them in automatic way thru CVS.
> You already stated the solution: Import.
> Add does not work recursively. This is exactly what the Import command 
> is intended for. I recommend using a frontend like WinCvs to sort out 
> the file types (binary/text distinction) though as that could get a bit 
> tiresome on the commandline if there are more than a few different file 
> types. Alternatively you could set up the CVSROOT/cvswrappers file with 
> the appropriate mappings before doing the import.
> Hope this helps.
> -- 
> Oliver
> ---- ------------------
> JID: ogiesen at jabber.org
> ICQ: 18777742 (http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)
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