[cvsnt] Re: adding modules to cvs repository

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Wed Jun 23 13:02:25 BST 2004

Raheel wrote:

> 1. I create a new folder inside my working copy and named it "fums".
> I also create 3 folders nested inside fums and put a small text file
> in one of the nested folder.
> 2. Then, I entered the command: cvs import -m "new" fums v_tag r_tag

Just BTW: If you use the -n option you could skip the v_branch and r_tag
arguments, i.e.

cvs im -m"new" -n fums

> 3. To check the effects, I entered the command: cvs ls -R -l  fums\
> It shows the folder fums and only lists that nested folder that has
> the text file in it. Rest of the 2 folders were not there (i
> suppose). Why does it happen Or may be I did something wrong, do help
> me ?

Empty folders will not get imported. There has to be at least one file
in them, otherwise CVS will ignore them. Empty folders can only be added 
to the repository individually using the Add command and even then noone 
would be able to check them out unless you committed any files inside them.

Hope this helps.

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JID:	ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:	18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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