[cvsnt] Re: cvsnt set up problem in Windows xp

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Wed Mar 17 05:16:31 GMT 2004

AntiVirus breakage!
Please uninstall any AntiVirus program you have on this PC and test
again. If it starts working properly now, then fix the AV (change to
another brand, since there are many that *do* work with CVSNT).

If the Socket Failed message comes up CVSNT cannot work.


On Tue, 16 Mar 2004 17:36:33 -0500, "Murali Gunasekaran"
<mgunase at gce2000.com> wrote:

>Hello Group,
>I recently came across the CVSNT project and I think it's a terrific
>contribution to the programming community!
>I am trying to set it up on my box for personal use and currently, I am
>facing some of the same problems mentioned earlier (below) by another cvsnt
>The error I am getting is:
>cvs [version aborted]: Can't authenticate - server and client cannot agree
>on an authentication scheme (got ''),
>when I try the command:
>cvs -d :sspi:anorith:/CGOF version
>(where anorith is my computer name and CGOF is a repository set up using the
>cvsnt gui. I am running Windows XP Pro. ).
>I have switched off Norton AV (though I think there might a corporate
>hardware firewall running - beyond my control :( ).
>When I try cvsservice -test, this is what I get:
>CVS 2.0.34 (Mar 3 2004) starting in test mode.
>TEMP/TMP currently set to D:\Program Files\cvsnt\Temp
>Initialising socket...ok
>Impersonation is enabled
>Starting auth server on port 2401/tcp...
>Socket Failed (Handle=ffffffff Family=23,Socktype=1,Protocol=6): An address
>incompatible with the requested protocol was used. (not fatal)
>Socket Failed (Handle=00000768 Family=2,Socktype=1,Protocol=6): Only one
>usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally
>permitted. (not fatal)
>Error: All socket binds failed.
>If I run the same command after stopping the service from the cvsnt gui, one
>of the services starts up correctly as follows:
>CVS 2.0.34 (Mar 3 2004) starting in test mode.
>TEMP/TMP currently set to D:\Program Files\cvsnt\Temp
>Initialising socket...ok
>Impersonation is enabled
>Starting auth server on port 2401/tcp...
>Socket Failed (Handle=ffffffff Family=23,Socktype=1,Protocol=6): An address
>incompatible with the requested protocol was used. (not fatal)
>Registering service SPN... failed (Error 8344)
>CVS initialised successfully
>I am very sure no other app is using the ports 2401 and 2402 . I did a
>"netstat -a" to check this. (when I shutdown the cvsnt gui and do netstat,
>the port doesn't get listed.. so it has be to be only cvsnt using those
>any ideas why I am getting this error. I think, because of this error, I am
>not able to set up the user accounts correctly and consequently use it from
>other cvs gui clients like SmartCVS. :(
>Your help is really appreciated.
>Thank you,
>Markus Kuehni wrote:
>> I'm using a personal firewall (Tiny PF v5.5). But even when I uninstalled
>> it, cvsnt wouldn't connect. Other tcpip services run just fine.
>What about AV?
>> E:\workspace>cvs -d :sspi:localhost:/v2_prj version
>> cvs [version aborted]: Can't authenticate - server and client cannot agree
>> on an authentication scheme (got '')
>> E:\workspace>cvs -d :pserver:localhost:/v2_prj login
>> Logging in to :pserver:Markus at localhost:2401:/v2_prj
>> CVS password: ******
>> cvs [login aborted]: Error reading from server localhost: -1: Unknown
>Something was listening on port 2401, but it immediately dropped the
>connection.  This
>is usually the result of interference by firewalls/AV but it's possible also
>that there's
>another app that's grabbed the port and doesn't like the traffic.
>Stopping the service and running cvsservice -test can tell you whether the
>server is starting
>and getting connections.
>> E:\workspace>cvs -d :ssh:localhost:/v2_prj login
>> Logging in to :ssh:Markus at localhost:22:/v2_prj
>> CVS password: ******
>> FATAL ERROR: Network error: Connection refused
>> cvs login: Couldn't connect to remote server - plink error
>> cvs [login aborted]: Connection to server failed
>This can't be expected to work unless you're also running an SSH server.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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