[cvsnt] Off topic: Is there anyway to programatically start IIS installer?

Yavuz AKYAZICI yavuz at asiaminorcarpets.com
Mon Mar 29 23:11:51 BST 2004

Hi everyone,
Since everyone is a developer here, I thought it would not hurt to ask.

We are in the middle of a development project and this will effect some of
the decisions we will make.
I was wondering if it is possible to trigger IIS Windows installer from our
application's installer?
We will try to create some webservices to use with our app but if we have to
go thru support calls
for installing and configurin IIS, it will not make much sense since our app
is aimed towards
average users.

So, is it possible to do this?
I mean is it possible to start IIS windows installer and even configure it
by another installer thru
running a windows script?

If it is, where should i look for documentation.
I searched google and MSDN but nothing came up...



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