[cvsnt] Re: Commit nofify for commit on certain branch

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Mon Nov 15 15:26:50 GMT 2004

Thomas Keller wrote:
> Is cvsnt capable to pass the branch tag on which the commit happens
> to commitinfo so that a nitty-gritty script could grab it up and decide
> whether or not it should send a notification?

There isn't one branch tag - there can potentially be a different one 
for every file of the commit.  The CVS/Entries file that the commit 
script can see has the current tag for each file.

> Furthermore if this "merge" commit happens  the "unstable" branch
> should be set to readonly so that no commit  "accidents" happen to
> this branch. Not quite so important, but a nice to have.

Set a merge ACL on the branch.


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