[cvsnt] Re: cvsWeb nt for winXP

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at system3r.se
Tue Dec 13 13:45:46 GMT 2005

On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 07:49:57 +0200, "Eng. Mina Ramses"
<mina.ramses at gmail.com> wrote:

>Hey may anyone help me , i installed CVSNT and CVSweb on WinXP Prof.
>SP2 with ActivePerl and Apache 1.3, the CVSWEB.CGI loaded correctly
>with structure of my directory inside my repos. but when i tried to
>open CVSROOT or any other directory i got error "Failed to spawn GNU
>rlog", i have RCS 5.7 and it has a win32 directory to where i pointed
>the PATH $ENV variable and the $ENV inside the CVSWEB.cgi ,also i
>tried to run rlog  from the command line and it's there in the path
>the directory where i have my repos. is in NTFS file system which is a
>network file system any idea about this error ?

I don't think that CVSWeb is compatible with CVSNT any longer.
According to what I know the only compatible web browser that you can
use with later CVSNT versiosn is VewCvs.
I have publised a simple installer for ViewCvs that does about
everything you need to do to get it up and running with all te bells
and whistles except database support (which I don't need).
You could alwasy give that a shot:

And the reason for the incompatibility lies in the inability of the
RCC 5.7 tools (10 years old by now) to parse the expanded RCS file
format used by CVSNT...

/Bo Berglund

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