[cvsnt] Re: SSPI Problem

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Fri Dec 30 08:33:34 GMT 2005

On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 00:10:04 -0500, "Jay Hamilton"
<Hamilton_jay at msn.com> wrote:

>I am new to CVSNT and have installed version 2.5.03(Scorpio) Build 2184. 

>From where did you get that? As far as I know the latest version is
2182 from December 16th (I just checked on the CVSNT Wiki)...

>I am running it on Windows XP Pro. I am new to CVS in general so bare with me. 
>I configured a repository and setup my CVSRoot env variable. 

Why are you mucking about with env variables, some special setup or
what? Where did you get that information?

> I also 
>installed TortoiseCVS as well. I have had no luck logging into CVS using the 
>command prompt. 

Which always works if you do it correctly...
But you have not stated what you did, so there is not much to comment
on. For example which CVSROOT string did you use and what commands did
you enter.
Is cvs.exe at all available from the command prompt? What happens when
you go to a command prompt and enter:
  cvs -ver
It should return a message containing the version of the cvs.exe you
reach, like this:

c:\>cvs -ver

Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2182

<now follows approximately 20 lines of text>

Have youi looked at my installation tips page?

some insight into how to solve your problems might be gained there...

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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