[cvsnt] Save Me From Myself

Czarnowski, Aric aczarnowski at unimax.com
Fri Feb 4 23:14:06 GMT 2005

> However, as nearly as I can tell, the only way to correct
> the binary vs. text CVS file type is to have the CVS 
> administrator do it for me.
> Is there anyway for a user using WinCVS or Tortoise to
> correct the file type of a CVS file?

I'm not sure if I saw an answer to this so here's my $0.02.

2.0.58d cvs does expansion modes as an update action so you don't need
admin utility privileges anymore I don't think:

  cvs up -kb binary.bin
  [make sure file is good]
  cvs co -f -m"Make it binary" binary.bin

I just did this to several files in our repository and it worked great.

Or, I think TortoiseCVS does some investigation for you on the
add/commit and should be able to determine what's binary and what's text
before it goes in.  I've only used Tortoise for a little while but it's
already saved me once by correctly seeing that a GIMP .xcf file was a
binary despite it missing from my server side cvswrappers file.

Hope that helps,

Aric Czarnowski
Unimax Systems Corporation

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