[cvsnt] Re: Crash during checkout

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Fri Feb 25 23:25:41 GMT 2005

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 15:10:09 -0800, David Vo <vo.david at gmail.com>

>2. Editing procedure. I have been getting complaints from developers
>used to working with CVS 1.11. One scenario is that since the files
>are checked out as read/write, they can go in and modify the files
>without using the edit command. After modification, the developer
>remembered it and performed the edit command. However when he tried to
>commit the file afterwords, the server did not produce a response (and
>he did not write a revision message). Thinking that the file had been
>committed anyway, he updated it and loss his changes. If this is a
>user error with CVSNT? CVS 1.11 supports this procedure.

I think that the developer had modified the file in the development
IDE and *not* saved it to disk. Then committed the file with the IDE
still open, of course there was nothing new to commit but maybe an
older edit in the disk file.
Then update will of course retrieve what is on the server, which also
does not contain the edits still in memory only. But now the IDE kicks
in and loads the "new" file from disk since its timestamp changed.
Bam! His edits that were not saved to disk are lost!

>3. Developers using VB had problems merging files. Developer1 edits
>FileA (text based). Developer2 edits FileA. Developer1 updates,
>changes and commits FileA with a new revision. Developer2 updates
>FileA and receives the M FileA message. However, the changes expected
>from Developer1 were not included in Developer2's new copy, although
>he received a new revision. There are two scenarios that I could think

Again same scenario as above...

>5. Migration question: I was responsible for the migration from the
>nix box to a new nt server. I basically performed a copy of the nix
>source to the new repository set up on the nt server. This did not
>include CVSROOT. Did I do this right? Everything seemed to work OK as
>the history, logs and revisions looks intact. However, after
>experiencing problems, including those above, I have begun to question
>my migration work.

This should work fine. CVSROOT admin files are platform dependent so
should not be copied right off. All the file history including all
earlier revisions, tags, branches etc are contained inside the
corresponding RCS file so it is all OK.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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