[cvsnt] can't create temporary directory C:\Program Files\cvsnt\Temp\cvs-serv724: Permisssion Denied

Qunfang Zhang qunfang.zhang at student.adelaide.edu.au
Sat Jul 9 14:06:30 BST 2005

Hi all,

I am a new user of cvsnt and struggled to solv this problem I encontered that
seems exactly same as Siegfried Heintze.
I followed the instruction of Tony Holye, I copied it as bellow:
Siegfried Heintze wrote:
> Ah hah! It looks like cvsnt is running in the Guest account! Why is this? I
> don't want the Guest account to have access to the cvsnt directory. I went
> to the service control panel for cvsnt but found no way to tell it to run in
> the system account. How to I control the account cvsnt uses to open temp
> files?
It seems you have enabled 'Simple' (aka. Broken) file sharing.

This forces all network operations happen as 'guest' - disable it and
it'll work properly.


My os is window XP[version 5.1.2600]
my cvsnt is CVSNT 2.0.51d go with WinCvs2_0_2-3(my previous cvsnt-'s
locksever kept complaining incorrect system information collection, so I gave up

and I go from My computer->View->Folder Options->View->Use simple file
but the problem stay the same:
set CVSROOT=:local:g:\cvs\master
cvs passwd -r my-account-name -a my-alias
password: my-alias-pass
cvs -d :pserver:my-account-name at loalhost:/cvs/master login
password: my-alias-pass
nothing happened here...
cvs -d :pserver:my-account-name at loalhost:/cvs/master status
cvs [server aborted]: can't create temporary directory
C:\TEMP\cvs-serv4036:Permission Denied
the filemon recorded following message:
10:28:30 PM	cvs.exe:4036	CREATE	C:\TEMP\cvs-serv4036	ACCESS DENIED	F9C898\Guest
10:28:31 PM	cvs.exe:4036	OPEN	C:\TEMP	ACCESS DENIED	F9C898\Guest
10:28:31 PM	cvs.exe:4036	OPEN	C:\TEMP\cvs-serv4036	NOT FOUND
10:28:31 PM	cvs.exe:4036	OPEN	C:\TEMP\cvs-serv4036	NOT FOUND
10:28:31 PM	cvs.exe:4036	OPEN	C:\TEMP\cvs-serv4036	NOT FOUND

do I did the correct when I try to disable the simple file sharing?

Thanks for any help!

qunfang zhang

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