[cvsnt] Problems when trying to login to CVSNT

sgrujic at neobee.net sgrujic at neobee.net
Tue Nov 22 14:43:29 GMT 2005

>>I have installed CVSforNT 2.0.58d on my Windows XP Pro computer. I did
>>cvs init command
>>to folder c:\cvs and shared it, both for reading and writing.
> What do you mean by "shared it"? There is explicitly stated that you
> should
> *NOT* share any part of the CVSNT repository disk on the network! Why
> did
> you do this????

>From the last time I have been working with CVS, I remember that I couldn't
access the repository folder before I made it shared. :( Maybe I was wrong 
with this, but I remember having problems if the repository folder was not 

> >When I try to (locally) login to server, using pserver protocol, from
> WinCVS
> >I get the following error:
> You cannot just login with pserver unless you have first created the
> users
> who are to be allowed pserver access. But then again why would you ever
> want
> to use :pserver: when running locally on the same PC as is running the
> server?
> Using :sspi: is more appropriate and it does not require a cvs login.

Yes, I have created users that are allowed to have pserver access. I am
supposed to make CVS available through LAN, but I can't make it work locally,
first. I have managed to make it work with Local mounted driver option, 
without any identification, but this option is not available in Eclipse, which
is supposed to work as client. I thought that pserver is next simplest protocol
to use. Am I wrong?

> >I have added line
> >            cvspserver  2401/tcp      #CVS pserver protocol
> >to services file in windows\system32\drivers\etc folder.
> Why did you do this? Did you just think thta it would be a good idea by
> yourself
> or did you read somewhere that it is needed?
> In fact it is completely not needed and it should be removed.

I have found that in some of the replies to similar problems. I remember that
last time I worked with CVS, I didn't have problems like this, and that I
didn't have to do anything except for installing CVSNT and client software.

> >CVSROOT in WinCVS preferences is
> >:pserver:stanislav at localhost:/C:\cvs.
> The root should be:
>   :sspi:localhost:/cvs

Is it possible to make it work like this in Eclipse as well? I didn't find
any other protocol selection there except for pserver, ext and extssh.

Thank you for your help,

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