[cvsnt] Cannot run command against CVSNT server

Helmut Leininger hlein at inode.at
Sat Oct 1 16:22:40 BST 2005


I am using Windows XP Home and have installed CVSNT
Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.02 (Servalan) Build 2088

Services are running with the following settings:
Run as user: PCMASTER2\hl
Default domain: PCMASTER2
Temporary directory: d:\tmp\Wintemp
CVS server port: 2401
Lock server: localhost port: 2402
Encryption: optional
Compression: optional

Clients allowed to connect: Any CVS/CVSNT

Every command results like this:

C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\hl>cvs -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t
-t -t -t -t -d :pserver:hl at localhost:2401:/Development/CVS-Repo passwd
17:10:46:   -> Tracelevel set to 15.  PID is 2404
17:10:46:   -> Session ID is 964433ea6f64fa6
17:10:46:   -> Session time is Sat Oct  1 15:10:46 2005
17:10:46:   -> CVS Server is acting as standalone
17:10:46:   -> CVS Directory is C:\PROGRA~1\CVSNT
17:10:46:   -> main loop with
CVSROOT=:pserver:hl at localhost:2401:/Development/CVS-Repo
17:10:46:   -> tcp_write(63)
17:10:46:   -> tcp_read(1)
cvs [passwd aborted]: Error reading from server localhost: -1: Unknown error

What can be done?


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