[cvsnt] Re: CVSNT 2.6 database engine?

Tony Hoyle tony.hoyle at march-hare.com
Mon Oct 24 15:50:50 BST 2005

Czarnowski, Aric wrote:
  > Tony mentioned MSSQL through ODBC so it sounds like there will be a
> generic ODBC driver.  If that's the case, then MySQL is still a valid
> option.  MySQL has ODBC drivers too.

The ODBC connector is GPL too.... same problem (the mysql license is 
worded such that even if we simply say 'you can use mysql via odbc' we 
could become liable for the full commercial cost for the client).

I could take the risk as an independent developer... march hare 
definately can't.  Mysql have already sued at least one company.

The Mysql 3.23 API is LGPL and that's OK, at least legally... of course 
it's unsuppported by mysql themselves now so it's not going to work forever.

Mysql is just *not* important enough to quadruple the cost of CVS Suite 
in licensing costs.  Really it isn't.

> have bought into MySQL-AB's commercial offerings.  It matters what the
> GPL requires for the vast majority of users out there.  Unfortunately, I
> think the GPL+linking question is also a fuzzy area these days.

I've made use of the 'fuzzy' nature myself in the past, but in this case 
it's not fuzzy at all, unfortunately.

The cvsnt APIs are LGPL for a reason, both to allow march hare to base 
their own software on it, and to allow anyone else to do the same should 
they wish to, under their own terms.

We could GPL the lot & assign copyrights.. that would allow march hare 
to continue (still may not be enough to allow mysql to be used 
though...) but effectively lock out everyone else, just like mysql do. 
I'm not like that, and Arthur isn't either.. we want as many people as 
possible to benefit.


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