[cvsnt] Re: Latest Updates - CVSNT 2.5.03 Build 2132

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Thu Oct 27 18:31:51 BST 2005

Bo Berglund wrote:

> I gave this a try too. I have used SQLite before with the Roundup
> Issue tracker so I have a utility for SQLite through which I could
> create a database. (SQLite Database Browser.exe)

Yes, I also ended up with that one.

> I put the database into the CVSNT program folder in a subdir named
> In the CVSNT control panel I configured the audit plugin by selecting
> SQLite and entering the full path to the database file in the box:
> C:\Programs\cvsnt\SQLITE\CVSNT
> When I use the Test Connection button I get the error message:
> Connection failed!
> Open failed: library routine out of sequence
> If I use the Create tables button this is what I get:
> Script not found.
> In actual fact the scripts are all installed to
> C:\Programs\cvsnt\sql
> What gives?

Those are indeed exactly the same two issues I already reported on this

According to FileMon the control panel is calling the wrong script
(create_tables_sqlitepgsql.sql instead of create_tables_sqlite.sql).
Renaming the script takes care of the "Script not" found message but it
simply leads to same error you were already getting on "Test


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JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:  18777742     (http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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