[cvsnt] Re: chacl lock branch command

Oliver Koltermann okoltermann_deletethis_ at gmx.de
Thu Apr 27 10:31:54 BST 2006


Bo Berglund <bo.berglund at telia.com> writes:

> On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 21:22:48 +0530, "Soneji, Ketan"
> <ksoneji at inteqnet.com> wrote:
> >my CVSROOT/config file has the entry:
> >AclMode=compat
> I have understood it like this: the way chacl works is to by default
> give full access. Then each additional acl you set will be added on
> top of that.
> So if you want to finetune the access then the first thing you need to
> do is deny access to all and then gradually build up from that.
> Has been discussed a number of times the last few months so you should
> be able to search the archives...

Bo's response is especially true for AclMode=compat. If you want to
explicitely give access there is AclMode=normal. This results in the
above mentioned default-deny. It depends on the point of view, but
this is the way ACL's work in most other contexts.

AclMode=compat is there - as it's name suggests - for compatibility
reasons and it's useful in most situations, where detailed acess
control is not necessary. 

So if you plan to setup custom ACL's from scratch it may be a good
idea to use AclMode=normal as a base.

Best regards,
O. Koltermann

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