[cvsnt] Cvsmailer error

McCarter, Stacy Stacy.McCarter at dor.mo.gov
Wed Jan 25 14:15:39 GMT 2006

Cvs mailer is not working. I have configured everything correctly, but when
I have it in test mode to look to see what's wrong I get the following in
the MLlog file


20060125 08:04:10 -------- CVSMailer Ver: --------

20060125 08:04:10 Error in command line parameter #1! Allowed is one of -l,
-t, -n, -m but I got:


However, I have not configured any of the tag, loginfo or notify yet.. so Im
confused as to why im getting this message..


CVSNT 2.0.58





Stacy McCarter

CIT, Department of Revenue


stacy.mccarter at dor.mo.gov



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