[cvsnt] disconnecting server socket

Guido Klapperich guido.klapperich at t-online.de
Fri May 12 09:35:08 BST 2006

I run CVSNT 2.5.03 on a Windows XP machine and I use WinCVS as 
Client. When I select a file in WinCVS and click on the log-command in 
the popup menu, I get the following error:

cvs log -- ActivitiesExport.dti (in directory C:\Projekte\Impulse\Source\)
cvs [log aborted]: disconnecting server socket

***** CVS exited normally with code 1 *****

I think, the error message comes from CVSNT and not from WinCVS, that's 
why I post it here.
Any ideas, what causes the 'disconnecting server socket'?



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