[cvsnt] Hi (Some questions)

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Thu Apr 12 00:47:02 BST 2007


>>  3. Why CVSNT Server should be stopped before creating the Repository?
>>  http://www.cvsnt.org/wiki/InstallationTips  defining ur repository
> This is *really* old!
> Look here instead, it is at least dealing with the 2.5.03
> CVSNT server!
> http://web.telia.com/~u86216177/InstallCVSNT25.html

I'm starting to get concerned that so much of the cvsnt.org content is "out of date" that if has a negative impact on the softwares adoption.

Tony has had numerous attempts at encouraging people (directly or via open invites) to work on this, and the Wiki is supposedly easy to edit, but still no changes come.

I realise that your pages are more about he InnoSetup version, but I'm thinking that our options to "fix" this are coming down to:
a) delete all cvsnt.org pages except the download page, and new links to "useful docs" like the manual and your pages (um - that'd be about it I think)
b) "copy and paste" your pages into the wiki (with perhaps some new screenshots for the MSI installer).

What's your opinion on this?



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